My Blogging History (1999-2010)


Today, i realized that I started writing in internet since ten years ago. I learned a little bit of HTML during my long break after SPM examination (in 1999). Syahiera’s Corner was my first website i created using Macromedia Dreamweaver. My target audience was school students (specifically my younger brothers & sister). 🙂

Then, I subscribed to a web-hosting provided by Budihost . After discussing with the I.T. consultant (who is also my brother), he advised me to turn the website into a blog. He explained that managing blog is simpler than managing a personal website. Since i was busy myself finishing my degree at that time, i agreed with his suggestion. Thus, I started in October 2005. It serves the function as a medium for me to write. I dont think people would read what i wrote as I ain’t a famous person. However, i gathered some interested readers with me.

A few years later, my father encouraged me to secure the domain I’m glad I did. 🙂

Initially, I’m not a fan of blogging. I tried but blogging just makes me feel ‘naked’. I don’t know how to set the limitations on what to write and what not to write. However, I come to this.

Blogging: What it reveals are noteworthy, but what it hides is more interesting.

Enjoy reading..

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